ezAdd-On Manager (ezAOM) uses XML constructs for change control and in-line PeopleCode documentation.
ezAOM tags begin with <
and end with >
. Like XML, ezAOM tags come in three flavors:
- start-tags; for example:
- end-tags; for example:
- empty-element tags; for example:
Elements are logical document components which either begin with a start-tag and end with a matching end-tag or consist only of an empty-element tag. The characters between the start- and end-tags, if any, are the element’s content, and may contain markup, including other elements, which are called child elements. An example of an element is:
<documentation>Hello, world.</documentation>
ezAOM attributes consist of name/value pairs that exists within a start-tag or empty-element tag. In the example (below) the element revision has two attributes, publisher and addon:
<revision publisher="EZ" addon="AOM"/>
An ezAOM attribute can only have a single value and each attribute can appear at most once on each element.
Change Control Documentation
Description: | Designates a block of PeopleCode added to pre-existing code. |
Attributes: | publisher
addon release organization reference date author |
Placement: | Start Tag immediately preceding the added code block.
End Tag immediately following the added code block. |
Example: | <*<add publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00002″ author=”E Poe” date=”2014-12-02″>*>
import EZ_AOM:TEMPLATE:PlugIn; local EZ_AOM:TEMPLATE:PlugIn &TemplatePI; <*</add>*> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | |
May Contain: |
Description: | Designates a block of pre-existing PeopleCode that is obsolete. |
Attributes: | publisher
addon release organization reference date author |
Placement: | Start Tag immediately preceding the obsolete code block.
End Tag immediately following the obsolete code block. |
Example: | <*<delete publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00002″ author=”E Poe” date=”2014-12-02″>
import EZ_AOM:TEMPLATE:PlugIn; local EZ_AOM:TEMPLATE:PlugIn &TemplatePI; </delete>*> |
Remarks: | Note the placement of PeopleCode comment delimiters <* and *> to disable the block of code. |
May Occur Within: | |
May Contain: |
Description: | Identifies an addon or other modification required for a modification to function. |
Attributes: | publisher
addon release organization reference |
Placement: | |
Example: | |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <revision> |
May Contain: |
Description: | Information describing a change and the purpose for that change. |
Attributes: | |
Placement: | |
Example: | <*<revision publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”” organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”M Twain” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”>
<documentation>Added method MapBU to translate business units to locals.</documentation> </revision>*> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
May Contain: |
Description: | Used to create the change control history for a definition. |
Attributes: | publisher
addon release organization reference author date descr |
Placement: | PeopleCode – at the start of a program in descending chronological order. |
Example: | <*<revision publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00000″ organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”M Twain” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”>*>
<*<revision publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00000″ organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000623″ author=”H Melville” date=”2012-08-25″ descr=”modified”>*> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | |
May Contain: |
Description: | ezAdd-On Manager add-on id registry key. |
Placement: | Preferred placement is following the publisher attribute. |
Example: | <add publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00002″ author=”W Shakespeare” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”created”> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
Description: | The name of the individual creating or changing the definition. |
Placement: | |
Example: | <add organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”J Joyce” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
Description: | The date a definition was created or modified. |
Placement: | |
Example: | <add organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”D Steel” date=”2014-12-02″> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <revision> |
Description: | Change type short description. |
Placement: | Usually placed at the end of the attribute string. |
Example: | <add organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”J Rowling” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”> |
Remarks: | Values: created, modified |
May Occur Within: | <revision> |
Description: | The identifier of the organization responsible for a change. |
Placement: | Preferred placement is immediately following the release attribute or at the beginning of the attribute string if add-on registry attributes are not used. |
Example: | <revision publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”J Steinbeck” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
Description: | ezAdd-On Manager publisher registry key. |
Placement: | Usually placed immediately following the owner attribute. |
Example: | <revision publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00000″ author=”J Salinger” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=created> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
Description: | Change control identifier. |
Placement: | Preferred placement is immediately following the organization attribute. |
Example: | <revision organization=”PAT” reference=”CR000880″ author=”M Shelley” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”modified”> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |
Description: | Add-on release for which the change was implemented. |
Placement: | Preferred placement is immediately following the addon attribute. |
Example: | <add publisher=”EZ” addon=”AOM” release=”00000″ author=”J Michener” date=”2014-12-02″ descr=”created”> |
Remarks: | |
May Occur Within: | <add>
<delete> <dependency> <revision> |